Week 1 - The Return of Zoom School

Hey guys! 

Well it's officially my first P-Day! This week my schedule consisted of waking up, working out, doing personal study, 6+ hours of online MTC class and devotionals, and at last some companion study and then I hit the hay. 

I met my companion and district! They're all super cool! My companion's name is Elder Laufiso, he's awesome. He always has great spiritual thoughts and he's hilarious. The rest of my district is great too! We have 6 elders and 4 sisters and we connected really well, and im not just saying that because I put them on my email list 🤣 I seriously can't wait to meet them all in person, I think our time at the MTC will be a blast.

The online classes and devotionals have all been really good. Our teacher's names are Sister Parker and Sister Stewart. We usually start off morning class super tired but then we get really energetic, then we start to get tired again during the afternoon class haha. We also read the Book of Mormon a lot, which is good I guess since we have to teach it to people and all that jazz. 

For the first mtc wide devotional we went into breakout rooms and I met a British guy 🇬🇧 he seemed pretty cool but as a full-blooded american I could never trust a redcoat. That being said we had some good spiritual discussions and I said sorry about the queen and I will probably never see him again. 

On Monday my dad and Kyle taught me how to play tennis! 🎾 I'm actually really bad at it but I had fun and I got better so it was good! 

On Wednesday our teachers let us run the class for a couple of hours while they were in meetings. Elder Allen was put in charge and he did a good job. We finished pretty early though so we started to play with all of the zoom filters 😂 Did we feel the spirit? Yes. Did we get distracted though? Yes, but it's okay because I laughed super hard. 

In other news it was my brother's birthday! Kyle is 14 now, and we went to olive garden 🫒.  It was really funny because I was trying to be super nice to everyone and people would run past me 🏃 and keep their heads down haha. I was like haha they think I'm trying to convert them. Which I guess I am but idk we don't need to get into details.  

Okay now onto some spiritual stuff. This week I did a lot of reading in Alma and I wanted to share a verse with you.

Alma 8:30 "30 And Alma went forth, and also Amulek, among the people, to declare the words of God unto them; and they were filled with the Holy Ghost."

As we go forth throughout our lives, I want to challenge you to be filled with the spirit of God. The Holy Ghost is the great comforter, and if we have his companionship we will see our relationships and endeavors grow and improve. 

I love you all! God be with you till we meet again! 

Elder Fuller


1- my set up 
2/3 - Olive Garden 
4/5/6 - Playing with Zoom filters 
7 - My district! 

P-Day for my time at the MTC will be on Thursday so if you email/message me I'll reply the next Thursday!


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